WDISF : What Does It Stand For?
A Database of Acronyms
WDISF is an online database of acronyms and initialisms. You can search for acronyms to find out what they mean or add your own for others to find. The aim is to create a comprehensive online resource definition all acronyms in common use. The most significant feature of WDISF is that you, the user can contribute by easily adding your own acronyms to the system.
So in answer to the question, WDISF stands for what does it stand for?
One other feature of WDISF is the ability to add acronyms or edit acronyms/initialisms. This allows a collaborative approach that ensures that the acronyms on WDISF are kept accurate and up-to-date.
Each acronym has the following properties / fields saved:
- Acronym
- Expanded Version
- Description
- Category
There are currently 27670 acronyms on WDISFFeatured Acronyms
Some featured acronyms to get started: