Top 20 Weekly Acronyms

A list of this weeks most popular acronyms on WDISF.

  1. BCWS - Boosted Cold Water Service
  2. PACE - Patient Centered Assessment And Counseling For Exercise
  3. TCN - Tacan
  4. SMS - Shuttle Mission Simulator
  5. MCWS - Mains Cold Water Service
  6. STA - Simultaneous Thermal Analysis
  7. SRD - System Readiness Test
  8. RVIS - Residue Violation Information System
  9. WAO - Wet Air Oxidation
  10. STOCC - Space Telescope Operations Control Center
  11. CCA - Crystalline Colloidal Array
  12. DBGMP - DBIUData Bus Interface Unit
  13. GA - Glauber Approximation
  14. SID - Surface Ionization Detector
  15. SRCH - Search
  16. T - Top
  17. OC - Oxygen Consumed
  18. ZST - Zero Strength Temperature
  19. UTIL - Utility
  20. URD - Urdu Language ISO 639 2 Code