Top 20 Daily Acronyms
A list of todays most popular acronyms on WDISF.
- OMZ - Oxygen Min Zone
- BC - Bouyancy Compensator
- ASA - American Society Of Agronomy
- T - Time
- NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission US
- POM - Projection Operator Method
- PHS - Public Health Service DHHS
- POM - Prescription Only Medicine UK
- NTO - NitrogenTetroxide
- TSA - Test Start Approval
- TPS - Test Preparation Sheet
- TOO - Test Operations Order
- APM - Airborne Particulate Matter
- CCI - Corrected Count Increment
- HMV - Hydrodynamic Modulation Voltammetry
- SID - System Interface Document
- CCL - Convective Condensation Level
- CLASS - Comprehensive Lsa Automated Support System
- POM - Printer OutPut Microfilm
- PCG - Protein Crystal Growth Experiment