Top 20 Daily Acronyms

A list of todays most popular acronyms on WDISF.

  1. BCWS - Boosted Cold Water Service
  2. UMDS - United Medical Dental Schools Univ Of London
  3. PACE - Patient Centered Assessment And Counseling For Exercise
  4. RBDW - Refined Bleached Deodorized And Winterized
  5. TEPP - Test And Evaluation Program Plan
  6. GC - Gigacycles 1000 Megacycles
  7. GC - Gas Chromatography
  8. SID - System Interface Document
  9. SCLIR - Secondary Calibration Laboratories For Ionizing Radiation
  10. TMA - Trimellitic Anhydride
  11. OSTO - Office Of Space Transportation Operations
  12. TMA - Transcription Mediated Amplification
  13. ASCII - American Standard Code For Information Interchange
  14. TMA - Texas Medical Association
  15. NIP - National And International Program
  16. MTEM - Multi Transient Electro Magnetic
  17. SJM - Svalbard And Jan Mayen ISO 3166 Trigram
  18. COE - Certificate Of Exportability
  19. MAPI - Messaging Application Programming Interface
  20. TLAM - Tomahawk Land Attack Missile