What Does AA Stand For?

AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a global fellowship that supports individuals who struggle with alcoholism. Founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA's mission is to help people achieve sobriety through mutual support and shared experiences. The organization operates on the principle that alcoholism is a chronic, progressive disease that can be managed but not cured, emphasizing the need for lifelong commitment to sobriety. AA's foundation is built on the "Twelve Steps," a program that encourages personal growth, self-reflection, and spiritual development. These steps guide members in acknowledging their powerlessness over alcohol, making amends for past wrongs, and seeking a higher power's guidance. In addition to the Twelve Steps, AA also follows the "Twelve Traditions," which provide principles for how the organization operates and maintains its unity and purpose. Meetings are central to AA's approach, offering a safe, non-judgmental space where members share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with each other. Anonymity is a key aspect, ensuring confidentiality and creating an environment of trust. While AA has no affiliation with any political, religious, or medical institution, it welcomes people of all backgrounds and beliefs, focusing solely on supporting those who wish to stop drinking.

Category : Organisation

Website : https://www.aa.org/

Added on 27th September 2008 | Last edited on 8th October 2024 | Edit Acronym

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