Acronyms Classified as Other
- 3DWQM - Chesapeake Bay Three Dimensional Time Variable Water Quality Model
- AA - American Airlines
- AAB - Aviation Armament Bulletin
- AAD - Analogue Analogue Digital
- AAD - Australian Antarctic Division
- AAFES - Almost Always Facing Empty Shelves
- AAL - American Airlines
- ABBA - Agnetha Benny Bjorn Anni Frid
- ABS - Anti Lock Braking System
- ACA - Associate Of The Institute Of Chartered Accountants In England And Wales
- ACCP - Atlantic Climate Change Program
- ACP - Automatic Colt Pistol
- ADA - Americans With Disabilities Act
- ADP - Administrative Data Processing
- ADS - Active Denial System
- ADS - Attention Deficit Syndrome
- ADS - Astrophysics Data System
- ADT - Autodesk Architectural Desktop
- AES - Airport Emergincy Services
- AFAB - Anything For A Buck
- AFB - Airframe Bulletin
- AFI - Awaiting Further Instructions
- AI - Assistant Instructor PADI Advanced Instructor BSAC
- AKDT - Alaska Standard Daylight Saving Time
- ALEPH - Automated Library Expandable Program
- ALGOL - Algorithmic Language
- ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- ALS - Automatic Landing System
- AMSU - Aviation Mat Riel Screening Unit
- AMTE - Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment
- ANA - Add New Acronym
- AOP - Annual Operating Plan
- APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier
- APL - American Protective League
- ASAP - As Soon As Possible
- ASB - Airborne Software Bulletin
- ASB - Associated Student Body
- ASB - Alternative Service Book
- ASC - Airborne Sofware Change
- ASG - Aeronautical Standards Group
- ASL - Age Sex Location
- ASOC - Albuquerque Special Operations Center
- ASOC - Air Support Operations Center
- ASW - Average Surface Wind
- ATM - According To Me
- AVB - Avionics Bulletin
- AVS - Alarm Video Server
- AWC - Airborne Weapon Change
- BA - British Army
- BACS - Banker Automated Clearing System
- BAFTA - British Academy Of Film And Television Arts
- BC - Binary Counter
- BCR - Benefit Cost Ratios
- BIA - Burned in Address
- BM - Bowel Movement
- BNP - Banque Nationale De Paris
- BO - Body Oder
- BOE - Bank Of England
- BOGO - Buy One Get One Free
- BOLTSS - Border Orientation Legend Title Scale Source
- BOS - British Orthodontic Society
- BSA - Breathing Sphere Approxn
- C - One Hundered
- CAA - Civil Aviation Authority
- CAFB - Clear As A Fucking Bell
- CAM - Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
- CART - Centered Around Repititive Tasks
- CBE - Commander Of The Order Of The British Empire
- CC - Closed Cup Flash Point Test Method
- CC - Cubic Centimeters
- CCD - Colony Collapse Disorder
- CCE - Compact Comprehensive Evaluation
- CCJ - County Court Judgments
- CCR - Conradson Carbon Residue
- CD - Center Director
- CDIL - Cumulative Damage Index Left Engine
- CDU - Complex Detention Unit
- CEC - Certified Executive Chef
- CEH - Certified Ethical Hacker
- CEMS - Camp Ernst Middle School
- CFAB - Certificate In Finance Accounting And Business
- CFP - Certified Financial Planner
- CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
- CM - Credit Memo
- COBRA - Cabinet Office Briefing Room A
- COC - Cleveland Open Cup
- COD - Charge On Delivery
- COG - Cost Of Goods
- COLM - Column
- COMNAVRESFOR - Commander Naval Reserve Force
- COMSEC - Company Secretary
- COOP - Crystal Orbital Overlap Population
- COPR - Council Of Public Representatives
- COSHH - Control Of Substances Hazardous To Health Uk
- CP - Saybolt Unit Seconds Viscosity Measurement
- CPCF - Cost Per Cubic Foot
- CPD - Contractor Preliminary Design Review
- CPD - Continuing Professional Development
- CPE - Customer Premise Equipment
- CPF - Calibration Parameter File
- CPF - Coupled Pair Functional
- CPF - Canadian Patrol Frigate
- CRM - Cardiac Rhythm Management
- CRM - Customer Relationship Management
- CSE - Computer Systems Engineering
- CSF - Configuration Spin Function
- CSH - Coordinate Reactive Scattering Code
- CSHO - Certified Safety & Health Official
- CSP - Core Safety Profile
- CT - Chest Tube
- CT - Contact Time
- CT - Computed Tomography
- CVM - Control Valve Module
- CWS - Cold Water Service
- CX - Christmas Island
- D - Deliver
- D - Delivery
- DAI - Developmnent Alternative Inc
- DBA - De Bellis Antiquitatis
- DCM - Decoupled Cell Monte Carlo
- DCS - Data Collection System
- DEC - Disasters Emergency Committee
- DIY - Do It Yourself
- DJ - Disc Jockey
- DL - Down Low
- DMC - Disco Mix Club
- DRM - Digital Rights Management
- DRM - Digital Radio Mondiale
- DTPA - Diethylenetriamine Pentaacetic Acid
- DVM - Decessit Vita Matris
- DZ - Drop Zone
- DZ - Drizzle
- DZA - Algeria Iso 3166 Trigram
- EA - Enterprise Agreement
- EBI - Even Better If
- ECE - Electrical Conductivity Of Saturation Extract Soils
- ECN - Engineering Change Notice
- EDU - Educational
- EE - Electrical Engineer
- EE - Ewe
- EFRTS - Electronic Funds And Receipt Transfer System
- EI - Engineering Instruction
- EIA - Eikonal Impulse Approxn
- ELACS - Extended Life Attitude Control System
- ELSC - Earth Landing Sequence Controller
- ELSS - Emergency Life Support System
- EMT - Electrical Metallic Tubing
- EOL - Earth Observing Laboratory
- EP - Extended Play
- EP - European Pharmacopoeia
- EPC - Energy Performance Certificates
- EPG - Electronic Programme Guide
- ERA - Engineering Research Associates
- ERA - Equal Rights Amendment
- ERA - English Racing Automobiles
- ERA - European Railway Agency
- ERCS - Emergency Rocket Communication System
- ERR - CNTR Error Counter
- ERR - Error
- ERR - Entry Review Recommended
- ESTA - ESTA Enroute Support Team Advanced
- ETM - Elapsed Time Meter
- EVG - Execellent Very Good
- EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- FA - Financial Aid
- FA - Field Artillery
- FAAN - Fellow Of The American Academy Of Neurology
- FACM - For Automatic Coffee Makers
- FAL - Final Assembly Line
- FAS - Firsts And Seconds
- FAT - Field Artillery Tractor
- FC - Fire Control
- FC - Frozen Core
- FC - Funnel Cloud
- FETI - Fire Explosion And Toxicity Index
- FFA - Future Farmers Of America
- FFR - F D Ration Fran Aise De Rugby
- FG - Fog Metar Code
- FI - Flight Instrumentation
- FIIGMO - Fuck It Ive Got My Orders
- FIP - Full Intra Pair
- FISH - Federation Of Inner Space Habitats
- FLESS - Fraser Lake Elementary Secondary School
- FM - Frequency Modulation
- FM - Frequency Modulated
- FMF - In Motocross-Flying Machine Factory
- FOC - Full Operational Capability
- FOC - Free Of Charge
- FP - Fire Plug
- FSS - Fin Stabilizer System
- FSS - Flight Support Station
- FTSE - Financial Times Stock Exchange
- FU - Field Unit
- FYI - For Your Information
- GA - Glauber Approximation
- GAAP - Greater Access To Affordable Pharmaceuticals
- GBH - Gravel Bed Hydroponic
- GBP - Great British Pound
- GBR - Global Business Research
- GBYTE - Gigabyte
- GCR - Ground Controlled Radar
- GEO - Geostationary Earth Orbit Georgia Iso 3166 Trigram
- GFI - Ground Fault Interruptor
- GFP - Gases Fluids And Propellants
- GIS - Geographic Information System
- GNAS - Get Naked And Snuggle
- GOD - Good Orderly Direction
- GRI - Geosynthetics Research Institute
- GS - R General Support Reinforcing
- GSOH - Good Sense Of Humour
- GSTQ - God Save The Queen
- GTI - Grand Touring Injection
- GTI - Grounded Theory Institute
- GTI - Grand Tourer Injection
- H2O - 1 Part Hydrogen 2 Parts Oxygen
- HAC - Honourable Artillert Company
- HAPA - High Efficiency Particle Accumulator
- HBV - Honour Based Violence
- HCFA - Health Care Financing Administration
- HDEHP - Bis 2 Ethylhexyl Phosphoric Acid
- HESS - Holidays Evenings Saturdays Sundays
- HESS - Hyper Extended Super Slide
- HGMS - High Gradient Magnetic Separation
- HHI - Herth Hope Index
- HIMSS - Healthcare Information Management Systems Society
- HMCE - Her Majestys Customs And Excise
- HMS - Her Majesty's Ship
- HRD - Human Resource Department
- HRE - Hybrid Renewable Energy
- HSC - High Conversion Soaker
- HSC - High School Certificate
- HSIA - High Speed Internet Access
- HSV - Hue Saturation Value
- HTU - Height Of Transfer Unit
- HWIF - HardWare InterFace
- HWIF - Hazardous Waste Incineration Facility
- HWIF - How Would I Feel
- HWS - Hot Water Service
- IACS - International Annealed Copper Standard
- IASH - Institute For The Advanced Studies Of Health
- IBV - International Bank Vaults
- ICE - Immigration And Customs Enforcement
- ICE - Internal Combustion Engine
- ICE - In Case Of Emergency
- ICED - Blocked By Internal Combustion Engine
- ICR - Information Collection Request
- IEC - Independent Ethics Committee
- IF - Intelligent Finance
- IFAD - International Food Additives Database
- IFC - Issued For Construction
- IHRA - International Human Rights Association
- IOC - The International Olympic Committee
- IRA - Immediate Response Authority
- IRS - Internal Revenue Service
- JARVIS - Just A Rather Very Intelligent System
- KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
- KO - Knock Out
- KPI - Key Performance Indicators
- LCC - Life Cycle Cost
- LED - Light Emitting Diode
- LGB - Lesbian Gay And Bisexual
- LGBT - Lesbian Gay Bisexual And Transgender
- LMBO - Laugh My Butt Off
- LOD - Lords Of Destruction
- LOL - Loyal Orange Lodge
- MAC - Macintosh Apple Computers
- MCWS - Mains Cold Water Service
- MFA - Museum Of Fine Arts Boston
- MOSS - Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
- MSI - Mindless Self Indulgence
- MSM - Mirror Signal Manoeuvre
- MST - Madison Symmetric Torus
- MTL - My True Love
- MTS - Money Transfer System
- MVC - Maximum Voluntary Contraction
- N - Nitrogen
- NB - New Brunswick
- NBA - National Basketball Association
- NCASI - National Council For Air And Stream Improvement
- NDTL - Net Demand And Time Liabilities
- NDTL - National Dope Testing Laboratory
- NDTL - Network And Data Transmissio Limited
- NDTL - New Directions In Teaching And Learning
- NDTL - Nerf Dart Tag League
- NES - National Eutrophication Study
- NEWS - North East West and South
- NF - National Forest
- NF - Not Found
- NFC - Near Field Communication
- NFCR - Narrow Cold Frontal Rainbands
- NGO - Non Governmental Organisation
- NIDA - National Institute Drug Abuse
- NIFR - Northern Illinois First Response
- NIRSA - National Intramural Recreational Sports Association
- NLP - Natural Language Processing
- NOMS - National Organics Monitoring Survey
- NOSB - Novice In The Order Of Saint Benedict
- NPR - National Partnership For Reinventing Government
- NPR - National Public Radio
- NRG - Energy
- NSA - No Strings Attached
- NSFW - Not Suitable For Work
- NT - Northwest Territories
- OA - Office Of Applications
- OA - Operational Instrumentation
- OAP - Old Age Pensioner
- OCC - Ordinance Composit Controll
- OFCH - Oil Fired Central Heating
- OFT - Office Of Fair Trading
- OG - Original Gangster
- OHRMS - Office Of Human Resources And Management Services
- OHRMS - Online Human Resource Management System
- OJD - Obsessive Jonas Disorder
- OMG - Oh My God
- OO - Over Out
- OOP - Out Of Print
- OSI - Open Systems Interconnection
- OSTIV - Organisation Scientifique Et Technique Internationale Du Vol A Voile
- OTSBH - Over The Shoulder Baby Holder
- OWH - Office On Womens Health
- PAC - Private Analytical Certificate
- PAF - Postcode Address File
- PAX - Passengers
- PB - Personal Best
- PBX - Private Branch Exchange
- PCA - Patient Controlled Analgesia
- PCA - Posterior Communicating Artery
- PCCP - Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
- PD - Police Department
- PDQ - Pre Defined Queries
- PDQ - Pretty Damn Quick
- PE - Physical Education
- PEI - Porcelain Enamel Institute
- PEK - Poly Ether Ketone
- PG - Parental Guidance
- PGA - Professional Golfers Association
- PID - Piping And Instrumentation Diagram
- PIDS - Prime Item Development Specification
- PLA - Polylactic Acid
- PLS - Palletized Loading System
- PLS - Personal Locator System
- PM - Preventive Maintenance
- PMA - Positive Mental Attitude
- PMA - Book Publishers Association
- PNP - Philippine National Police
- POA - Price On Application
- POA - Peierls Onsager Approxn
- POA - Point Of Attachment
- POA - Pins Over Average
- POC - Proof Of Concept
- POET - Primed Oscillator Expendable Transmitter
- POI - Point Of Interest
- PPH - Paraphrase
- PPI - Payment Protection Insurance
- PSA - Pressure Swing Adsorption
- PSA - Public Service Announcement
- PSC - Polar Stratospheric Cloud
- PST - Pacific Standard Time
- PSU - Power Supply Unit
- PT - Physical Training
- PTA - Parent And Teacher Association
- PTA - Personal Threat Alarm
- QOS - Quality Overall Summary
- QSR - Quick Service Restaurant
- RFSS - Resilient Flexible Self Supporting Silt Fencing
- RHICC - Ross Henderson International Conglomerate Cartel
- RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution
- ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
- RRP - Recommended Retail Price
- SAT - Scholastic Assessment Test
- SBA - Small Business Analyst
- SC - Super Carrera
- SEER - Surveillance Epidemiology And End Results
- SEO - Senior Executive Officer
- SIAM - Single Impurity Anderson Model
- SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
- SIN - Sincere
- SIT - Special Investigation Team
- SLB - Sport Lisboa E Benfica
- SLC - Solute Carrier
- SMB - Small To Medium Size Business
- SMD - Suck My Dick
- SMO - Sample Management Office
- SNDA - Student Non-Discrimination Act
- SOM - Sound Of Music
- SOS - Help
- SOS - Save Our Souls
- SPOC - Security Point Of Contact
- SQ - Square
- SRD - Science Requirements Document
- SSB - Semiclassical Sudden Born
- SSC - Shuttle System Commonality List
- SSO - Submarine Oiler
- SSO - Support System For Oex
- STAMP - Systematic Technology Assessment Of Medical Products
- STF - Spin Test Facility
- STN - Stay The Night
- SVC - Saturated Vapor Concentration
- SWAG - Scientific Wild Ass Guess
- SWAT - Special Weapons Assault Team
- TAC - Total Accounting Critic
- TACSOP - Tactical Standard Operation Procedure
- TCD - Thermal Conductivity Detector
- TCP - Traffic Control Point Transmission Control Protocol Trichlorophenol
- TDVP - Time Dependent Variational Principle
- TDWP - The Devil Wears Prada
- TEEL - T- Topic Sentence E- Evidence E- Explanation L- Link
- TEL - Telugu Language Iso 639 2 Code
- TFCC - Tactical Flag Communications Center
- TGO - Togo
- TGV - Test Generation With Verification
- TGV - Tanjong Golden Village
- THG - The Hunger Games
- TIME - Transferred Ionized Molten Energy
- TIP - Temperature Independent Paramagnetism
- TIROS - Training In Restaurant Operations And Service
- TM - Total Maniac
- TMA - Terminal Manoeuvring Area
- TMG - Tongue My Groove
- TMI - Too Much Information
- TO - Topological Orbital
- TO - Training Officer
- TOA - Table Of Authorities
- TOA - Total Obligation Authority
- TOC - Table Of Contents
- TOM - Time Of Month
- TPM - Tire Pressure Monitoring
- TPMS - Tire Pressure Monitoring System
- TRAC - Usually Denotes A CHRISTIAN Trac
- TS - Technical Support
- TSL - Transport Layer Security
- TT - Time Trial
- TT - Tourist Trophy
- TTP - The TTP Project
- TTT - To The Top
- TV - Television
- TW - Trigger Warning
- TWV - Trinkwasserverordnung
- TX - Texas Postal Symbol
- TX - Transmit
- TYCA - To Your Care And Attention
- TZ - Time Zone
- UA - Unequilibrated Aggregate
- UA - Unit Of Action
- UFC - Unacceptable To Foreign Country
- UFO - United Farmers Of Ontario
- UNFPA - United Nations Fund for Population Activities
- UNICOR - Federal Prison Industries Inc
- UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
- UPS - United Parcel Service
- UPS - Unbelievably Poor Service
- UTV - Utility Terrain Vehicle
- UV - Ultraviolet
- UVF - Ulster Volunteer Force
- VC - Venture Capital
- VCAP - Veterans Compensation And Pension
- VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
- VEH - Valence Effective Hamiltonian
- VHAA - Very High Altitude Abort
- VHSP - Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Program
- VIP - Very Important Person
- VPO - Virtual Pipe Organ
- VR - Voltage Regulation
- VTP - Verification Test Program
- WDISF - What Does It Stand For
- WH - Wehrmacht Heer
- WILCO - Will Cooperate
- WILCO - Will Comply
- WKD - WKD Original Vodka
- WRV - Water Retention Value Of Cellulose Pulps For Paper Manufacture
- WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature
- WWG - Warranty Working Group
- X - Cross
- YTL - Small Harbor Tug Self Propelled
- ZV - Zettavolt
If you don't see an acronym that you know should be listed here, then add it yourself.