Acronyms Classified as Organisation
- AA - Alcoholics Anonymous
- AA - Aluminum Association
- AACI - Association Of American Cancer Institutes
- ACC - American College Of Cardiology
- AFS - American Fisheries Society
- ASEAN - Association Of South East Asian Nations
- ASR - Amalgamate Solutions And Research
- BCFS - Baptist Children And Family Services
- BFEM - Beds Food Education And Medicine
- CNRF - Cajal Neuro Research Foundation
- FUN - Find Underline Number
- GAPL - Gupta Abrasives Private Ltd
- GSK - GlaxoSmithKline
- HFMC - Help Find My Child
- ICAEW - Institute Of Chartered Accountants In England And Wales
- ICRIR - Independent Commission For Reconciliation And Information Recovery
- IFLOS - International Foundation For The Law Of The Sea
- IRA - Irish Republican Army
- KKK - Ku Klux Klan
- NIFDA - Northern Ireland Food And Drink Association
- PGENI - Pharmacogenetics For Every Nation Initiative
- PPTA - Philippine Physical Therapy Association
- PSNI - Police Service Of Northern Ireland
- SSC - Secondary School Certificate
- TAVC - Tramba Audiovisual Conspiracy
- TSSIA - Thane Small Scale Industries Association
- UAMO - Urban Art And Media Organisation
- W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
- YSI - Young Social Innovators
If you don't see an acronym that you know should be listed here, then add it yourself.